• Computer Repairs
  •   Software/Hardware Support
  •      Networking/Data Protection
  •        Computer Upgrades
  •          Virus and Spyware Removal

Please fill out the form below. All fields marked with an * are mandatory.

Tell Us About Yourself and Your Computer

Personal Information


*First Name:  *Last Name:


Street 1:

Street 2: Province:

City: Postal Code:

Phone & Email

*Home: Work: Mobile: *Email:

Computer Information

Computer type:    If other explain type:

Manufacturer of Computer: Model #:  How old is it?:

Who is your internet provider?:    If other explain type:

If you use a wireless router, please state the make & model:

Are there any attached devices:     Make & model:

Describe your problem & when it first occured:

Any other information you would like us to know?:

Thank you for providing us with some of the basic information we will need to know in order to process your request quicker. We will be sending a confirmation email when this request is received and will contact you as quickly as possible to assist you. You can email us directly at gregabyte@gregabyte.ca if you require any other services.